Are Logan Paul’s Prime Drinks Healthy? From a Dietitian

Are Logan Paul’s Prime Drinks Healthy? From a Dietitian

Whether you know him from his YouTube success or for his current stint professionally wrestling for the WWE, Logan Paul holds multigenerational fame. But one of his most recent endeavors has been entering the food and wellness space as co-owner of Prime.

Prime is an energy drink company that Paul and content creator KSI started together. The brand sells energy drinks, “hydration” drinks and flavor packets to add to water, and since a large portion of Paul’s fan base is children, the drinks are attractive to all ages.

But are these drinks healthy, and are they safe for kids? We asked our senior nutrition & news editor Maria Laura Haddad-Garcia her thoughts—here’s what she had to say about Prime drinks and what she believes consumers should keep in mind.

Are Logan Paul’s Prime Energy Drinks Healthy?

First, here’s the nutritional breakdown for one (12-ounce) can of Prime’s newest energy drink flavor, Ice Pop:

  • Calories: 10
  • Carbohydrates: 2 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Total Sugar: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Sodium: 55 mg
  • Caffeine: 200 milligrams

This seems like a healthier option for an energy drink, being low in calories and having no added sugar and a low sodium content. However, Haddad-Garcia cautions that there’s a lot of caffeine in this beverage.

“One 12 fluid-ounce can of Prime energy drink contains 200 milligrams of caffeine,” she said. “As a reference, 1 cup of brewed coffee (8 fluid ounces) has between 92 to 110 mg of caffeine. So you’re basically taking double the amount of caffeine but not proportionally to the number of servings.” She adds that a 12-oz. serving of Red Bull has 107 milligrams of caffeine, which is half the amount of caffeine as a Prime energy drink.

For those thinking that the amount of caffeine might boost their energy levels, think again: too much caffeine can actually do the opposite.

“One of the major downsides of energy drinks like this one is that although they contain caffeine, they basically provide zero energy,” Haddad-Garcia explained. “Caffeine stimulates you but doesn’t provide energy per se, so once you’ve metabolized the caffeine, you’ll probably experience an energy crash.”

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

According to the FDA, 400 milligrams a day is about the upper level for safe caffeine intake—which is what you get in two 12-ounce cans of Prime. That said, they also state that individuals’ responses to caffeine vary, so pay attention to any potential side effects from caffeine intake, including:

  • Nervousness
  • Jitters
  • Heart racing
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Not being able to fall asleep
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Chest pain

It’s important to stay well below the upper limit if you have heart disease or certain heart conditions, like supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), or if you’re pregnant.

Are Prime Energy Drinks Safe for Kids?

Considering the flashy packaging, Haddad-Garcia notes concern that these beverages are especially alluring to young consumers.

“One of the major concerns is that these products are very attractive to kids and teens, especially when there’s a celebrity behind the brand—like this one,” she explained. “Though the energy drinks are labeled as not recommended for children under 18 years old, they are basically sold out on their site. And kids have been asking their parents to buy the drink for them.” Schools are starting to ban the drinks and alert parents for this reason.

“A kid’s body is much smaller than an adult’s, meaning that less caffeine can cause side effects in their bodies,” she added. “Excessive amounts of caffeine cause symptoms like nervousness, jitters, heart racing, headaches, irregular heartbeat and sleep disturbance. And since caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, it could interfere with their development.”

Are Prime Hydration Drinks Healthy?

What about the hydration drinks? Here’s the nutritional information for one (16.9-oz.) bottle of Prime’s lemonade hydration drink:

  • Calories: 25
  • Carbohydrates: 5 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Total Sugar: 1 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Sodium: 10 mg

While these drinks are more kid-friendly options with the lack of caffeine, Haddad-Garcia reiterates that these “hydrating” beverages may not be what they appear.

“When it comes to hydration, electrolytes are key, and Prime hydration drinks only have magnesium and potassium and miss out on the other important ones—calcium, sodium, chloride and phosphate,” she says. “Plus, they lack sugar, and while too much added sugar is not good for you, an adequate amount of glucose is needed for your body to properly absorb those electrolytes and transport them into your cells.”

Although these hydration drinks won’t “replenish your electrolytes” as many hydration drinks do, according to Haddad-Garcia, they do hydrate you to a certain point because they are liquids with some electrolytes.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to buy Logan Paul’s Prime energy or hydration drinks, there’s a couple of things to keep in mind. First, too much caffeine can cause a negative impact on the body—including causing an energy crash—and can be especially harmful for young consumers. Plus, hydration goes beyond the label, and while these hydration drinks are hydrating to a certain extent, they miss out on important electrolytes that can help improve your body function. Check out how electrolytes can impact the body here, including if they can really help a hangover.

Up next: The Best and Worst Hydration Drinks for People with Diabetes


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