Ohio schools leave contraception, birth out of sex ed. Teach facts

Ohio schools leave contraception, birth out of sex ed. Teach facts
Ohio schools leave contraception, birth out of sex ed. Teach facts

Jessie Balmert’s recent article about school curriculum that shames non-two-parent households is a perfect example of what happens when states with regressive viewpoints and a lack of scientific study on relationship and sexual health education are left to self-define what youth should be learning (“Ohio teaches that children born to unmarried parents are worse off. 2 districts push back,” Jan. 1).Unfortunately, Ohio continues to be the only state without health education standards. We know from research that a lack of high-quality and medically accurate information in school health curriculum can create adverse outcomes when it comes to a student’s relationship and sexual health. In my work as senior director of education at Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region, we are constantly seeing blatant examples of politicians leading with personal values instead of information that is backed by research and guidance provided by experts in their respective fields.


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