Fat Stored in the Thighs Linked to Ultraprocessed Foods

Fat Stored in the Thighs Linked to Ultraprocessed Foods
Eating lots of ultraprocessed foods may increase the amount of fat in your muscle tissue — even when you exercise regularly and don’t consume an excessive number of calories, according to a new study.

The association between higher consumption of ultraprocessed foods and what’s called fatty degeneration of muscle tissue persisted even after researchers accounted for numerous other factors that could have affected the study results.

“These findings held true regardless of dietary energy content [calorie intake], BMI [body mass index], sociodemographic factors, or physical activity levels,” said study author Zehra Akkaya, MD, a researcher and former Fulbright Scholar in the department of radiology and biomedical imaging at the University of California in San Francisco, in a statement.

The study was presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America and has not yet been published in a medical journal or peer reviewed, a process that typically allows independent experts to verify the validity of the findings.


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